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Creating the World's First Mobile Mini Truck Candle Store


It is very unique as this is a mini truck, measuring just over 10 feet long. We have modified it to be a rolling tiendita of our velas and items from other small businesses.

Follow us on Instagram to see where we will pop up next and enjoy the transformation pics below.

The Beginning . . . La Velita is imported

La Velita started in Japan as a delivery truck. They are very common there as they are small and very economic. We imported directed from Japan.

Lets cut an entire side out and put in a door.

Once she was in the states, La Velita started it's transformation. The first thing we altered was the side of the box. We cut out the side and added an awning door.

The shelves are in.

Once the outside was done, it was time to start the inside. We calculated and planned and installed the modular shelf system.

Lets decorate the inside.

After the shelves were in, we started decorating the inside. These are all vintage pictures and posters of movies, shows, and icons of our cultura.

That's a wrap!

Once the inside was done, we got the truck wrapped with our graphics. You can't miss La Velita with these eye-catching designs.

Current View

There is always something to do, but so far, this is where we stand. Hope you enjoy and thank you for your support!

Follow us on Instagram to see where we will pop up next!



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